(NC)—We all know breakfast is the “most important meal of the day”… or have we forgotten? Canadian families are facing a breakfast crisis. Whether it’s because of early morning hockey practice, picky eating habits or body issues, a growing number of kids are heading off to school on an empty stomach.
According to a recent Ipsos-Reid poll, nine in 10 (90%) Canadian parents say eating breakfast is ‘very important’ for their child’s daily health, mental performance and emotional state. However, the survey found 31 per cent of elementary students don’t eat breakfast regularly and 62 per cent of high school students skip breakfast. The reason for the morning mishaps – 54 per cent of the time, breakfast is missed because students are too rushed in the morning and despite good intentions, parents are having trouble getting their kids to eat something before heading out the door.
“Children’s growing bodies have high energy and nutrient needs and a nutritious breakfast gives them the fuel they need to kick start their day,” says paediatrician Dr. Leah Tattum. “But more than that, when kids skip breakfast they tend to snack more. They’re often choosing foods high in sugar and fat and their missing out on some of their key daily nutrients, such as calcium.”
Clinical evidence shows kids and adolescents who consume a healthy breakfast have:
- A reduced risk of being overweight or obese
- Better academic performance and attentiveness
- Improved cognition skills
- More healthful diet habits and better diet quality
“Breakfast should be a necessity for kids and parents, not an inconvenience,” says Toronto-based dietitian Naomi Orzech. “Many families have busy morning routines, so if a sit down breakfast isn’t an option, something quick, like stirring up a chilled glass of Carnation Breakfast Anytime, provides a nutritious and delicious breakfast on the go.”
According to Orzech the importance of breakfast applies to children of all ages. Teens are more independent and want to make their own choices, but a balanced breakfast is equally essential for their development as it is for younger kids. But if a full breakfast is not an option on rushed mornings, keeping a supply of nutrient rich breakfast drinks in the fridge means teens can just grab one on the way out the door.
More information and quick breakfast tips and recipes can be found online at www.realbreakfast.ca.
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